Tonight Oscar and I were playing a rousing game of Shopkins (as you do when you have a five year old). And it reminded me I never posted about a lot of things. Including the fimo "shopkins" we made as a Christmas present for his cousin.
The idea of making Shopkins out of fimo was inspired by Angry Chicken and informed by an article in Highlights Magazine. (tangent: my mom got Biscuit, our little reader, Highlights when she was four or five and she could not have cared less. Oscar on the other hand doesn't read much but LOVES it and regularly asks to look at back issues as a bedtime story. So of course he remembered seeing the project of making vegetables out of fimo and we used that as a guide. Use an old toothbrush to texture citrus peel. That was the main lesson).
So we made fruits and what nots based on what we had about the house. Persimmons were hot. And lemons. I made the ones photographed on blue and Oscar's are on white. Mine are now at the cousin's house, Oscar wanted to keep his which was good since I realized I didn't have any photos of them. The lumpy one is a surprisingly accurate rendition of a moldy lemon. And of course there is a poop emoji. I would classify this as one of my more successful crafting with kids episodes.